Meeting Minutes

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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee of the Section shall consist of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Immediate Past-Chair, and the AWWA Directors. The Committee will schedule meetings as needed to conduct Section business in an efficient manner. The Committee shall meet as required for the purpose of making recommendations to the Governing Board and to take such action as may be needed between meetings of the Board. The Executive Committee may approve Section expenditures not foreseen during the budget process.

    Full NameCommittee PositionOrganization
    James P. ElliottChairLiberty Utilities - CA
    Larry W. LyfordPast ChairHelix - Retired
    Gordon WilliamsChair ElectEast Bay Municipal Utility District
    Yan ZhangVice ChairLong Beach Utilities
    Todd JorgensonTreasurerGolden State Water Company
    Jennifer A. ShimminAssistant TreasurerEastern Municipal Water District
    Sue MosburgSecretaryCalifornia-Nevada Section, AWWA
    Andrew DeGracaAWWA DirectorSan Francisco Public Utilities Comm.
    Joy Eldredge, P.E.AWWA DirectorCity Of Napa