Water Loss Control Committee

The California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association will lead a broad group of utilities and organizations that have come together to combat water loss in California. This partnership will improve knowledge of water utility personnel in the areas of identification and control of real or apparent losses from their systems. The Water Loss Control Collaborative will be a strong and coordinated program that makes use of the strengths of all parties involved. This program will reduce water waste, which will be of great value for more efficient utilities and more resilience during times of drought. Participants in the Collaborative will learn best practices to combat water loss.
Full NamePositionOrganization
Kris WilliamsChairWater Systems Optimization, Inc.
Rachel H. DavisVice ChairMunicipal Water District Of Orange County
Todd Michael ThompsonSecretaryThompson Engneering & Env. Services
Clay B. CliftonMemberSweetwater Authority
Matthew Frazier, Sr., Member-At-LargeMember-at-LargeAWWA, CA-NV Section
Sue MosburgStaffCalifornia-Nevada Section, AWWA
For more information, please contact the staff member associated with this committee - Committee Staff Contacts.