Advocating For Water... And People
The CA - NV Section, AWWA promotes tap water’s vital place in public health, and advocates on behalf of the utilities that ensure the reliable delivery of safe drinking water. We elevate the image of the drinking water profession and the public’s trust in drinking water.
Laws and regulations, such as those related to the safety of drinking water, are critically important to utilities—and to AWWA, which is an organized voice on a range of issues. As a scientific, technical, and educational organization, AWWA frequently serves as a crucial source of information on contamination, water treatment and distribution, water supply and demand, and other vital issues.
The Water Utility Council (WUC), with its Legislative Committee and Regulatory Committee, review and organize policy positions on key water issues, often first obtaining input from one or more of the Section’s technical committees. The WUC is intentionally large and members are appointed to be representative of the utility membership. The Section’s Executive Committee typically acts on recommendations of the WUC, so that an action is officially endorsed by the full organization. Visit the Water Utility Council page for more information.
The CA-NV Section also advocates for those in need of assistance through “theBridge,” its philanthropic program that raises and distributes money for educational aid, and for sustainable water and sanitation projects in economically disadvantaged areas. Scholarships and training aid are funded by individual donations and company sponsors. Active local committees raise money for the work of Water For People in several countries. Coordinating these efforts for the Section is the responsibility of the Philanthropy Council.
The Section’s Philanthropy program debuted a new logo to identify this charitable aspect of the organization. theBridge has layers of meaning for an association largely concerned with water management and engineering. Many bridges span water bodies, for example. Symbolically however, a bridge is a safe and stable crossing; a structure that offers support to get to a desired destination. The philanthropy of the CA-NV Section of AWWA is meant to offer another kind of support, also aiding people to get to a desired future. Students and people living in less wealthy countries are among those theBridge currently supports. When you see the term and image you can be sure it’s part of our charitable mission. [CA-NV AWWA Education & Training Endowment Fund Charter ]