The Environmental, Health & Safety (EHS) charge is to promote responsible protection and preservation of the environment, human health and worker safety for water utilities.
Committee Connection
Click the link above to visit the online Committee Connection portal for this committee (committee members only). If you are not a committee member, click on the link below.
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Committee Announcements
- The EHS Committee is always looking for qualified speakers on pertinent topics related to Environmental, Health, and Safety. Please pass the word along to speakers you think would add value to our conferences.
Committee Resources
EHS Committee Leadership
Chair: Greg Buncab
Committee Charge and Roster
The list of committee members, and their charge, is available on this page.
Stormwater System Discharge Information
EHS-NPDES Ad Hoc Workgroup Leadership
Co-Chair: Greg Buncab
Co-Chair: Brandy Hancocks
Statewide General NPDES Permit for Drinking Water System Discharges