CA-NV AWWA Urges Members to Complete State Water Board Survey Regarding COVID-19 Arrearages

With the passage of AB 148, the State Water Resources Control Board is authorized to provide community water systems with nearly $1 billion in funding to address COVID-19 arrearages. The Section urges members to complete the survey below to help the State Water Board determine the extent of statewide arrearages, which is the first step in allocation of funds to community water systems.
Action Items

  1. CA-NV Section, AWWA members are urged to complete the State Water Board’s survey which can be accessed through your Electronic Annual Report (EAR). The State Water Board also emailed community water systems the survey information this week. The Water and Wastewater Arrearage Program website is also now live and includes forms and FAQs in addition to survey information.
  2. Prior to starting the survey, community water systems are encouraged to review the help tips, read the questions in advance and gather the required information. The help tips are available here

Tips For Completing The Survey

  • All community water systems are being asked to participate in the survey. If your water system did not experience any financial impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic, you only need to complete a portion of the survey. 
  • If your water system does not charge for water, you should still complete the survey and report any revenue losses. 
  • The survey pre-fills some answers using 2020 EAR data (this helps trigger hide/reveal questions). If you need to edit/complete your 2020 EAR, please email the address provided below. 
  • If you are a community water system and have questions about the survey – please forward them to
  • For direct technical assistance please submit a Technical Assistance (TA) Request Form and email the TA Request Form to


The Section and other statewide water associations advocated for months to secure federal funding and state appropriation of California’s share of that funding through the state budget process to assist with COVID-19-related customer arrearages. The Section and the other associations also provided input into how the state should distribute the funding in an equitable and efficient manner to community water systems and wastewater treatment providers. Newly enacted AB 148 prescribes (pages 65-68) the administration details for the $985 million in funding to assist with COVID-19 related customer water and wastewater bill debt. As provided by AB 148, if there are sufficient funds to reimburse the total amount of reported arrearages and revenue shortfalls of community water systems, the State Water Board will establish a program for funding wastewater treatment provider arrearages.

View CA-NV AWWA Comment Letters
For questions about AB 148 and the State Water Board’s survey, please contact Executive Director Sue Mosburg.