Water For People Committee
Committee Connection
Click the link above to visit the online Committee Connection portal for this committee (committee members only). If you are not a committee member, click on the link below.
Join This Committee!
The Water for People (WFP) Committee is established to be the link to the national WFP organization and to take the lead role in helping bring awareness on global water issues and work with Section members to come up with creative ways to support WFP projects and programs. The committee will bring together section members who have an interest in the plight of water crisis in developing countries and a desire to make a difference through fund raising, educational campaigns and creative marketing.
Join us for the Water For People/Young Professionals Fall Mixer at CA-NV AWWA's Annual Fall Conference!
Tuesday, October 25, 2022 / 6:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. / SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, Sacramento
[View Flyer & Purchase WFP Mixer Tickets]